Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: Varies - See Below | Serves: 8
- Besides your turkey try....
- Stuffing:
- We never recommend stuffing the cavity of birds with meat stuffing as it takes longer to fully cook. Roll your stuffing into balls and place around the roast about 30 minutes before removing from the oven. Try fruits, sweet vegetables and fresh herbs to help infuse the meat and flavour the gravy.
- Seasoning:
- Try seasoning the breast between the meat and skin with citrus flavours, use butter with zest and a little juice from a lemon, lime and orange and black pepper. Use a large metal spoon to separate the skin from the meat. Insert your seasoned butter mixture and massage under the skin until evenly distributed. Before roasting you may wish to layer streaky bacon over your bird.
Cover with foil and place in an oven pre-heated to 200°C / 390°F / Gas 6
Place your turkey in the oven for 30 minutes, up to 45 minutes for a bird over 8kg, then reduce to 160°C / 325°F / Gas 3 and allow:
3 – 3.5 hours for a Small (4.5 – 5.4kg)
3.5 - 4 hours for a Medium (5.4 – 6.3kg)
4 – 4.5 hours for a Large (6.3– 7.2kg)
4.5 - 5 hours for a X Large (7.2– 8.1kg)
5 – 7 hours for a XX Large (8.1kg +)
30 minutes before being fully cooked remove the foil and turn your oven back up to about 200°C / 390°F / Gas 6 allowing the bacon or skin to crisp. Allow to rest in a warm place, fully covered, for up to 45 minutes before serving.
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